Monday, October 4, 2010

today is my birthday i am 35 years old now

today is my birthday , i am 35 years old , 04/10/1975 , many things has happened , i sold my 4x4 and i am saving the cash to get a new 4x4 this month or next month , anyway thank for all who remembered me in that day :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

If I can go years back what will i do

If I can go years back what will i do

I will never lose the chance to fall in love
I will never betray someone trust
I will never lose a friend that loves me from her/his heart
I will never miss any moment with my beloved mom and kiss her in the head god rest her soul
I will never let a friend fall in problems for any reason because of me
I will not let any friend secret spread because of a problem
I will not make up problems to keep someone away from my friends
I will not convenes any friend that a friend is bad
I will never be forced to do things that hurt any one
I will be me and never change in anyone eye
I will know the limits when it comes to any relationship
I will choose my friends carefully and wisely
I will correct all the wrongs that I did to any one and make it up to them
If I can go back I'll say I am sorry for all who thought that i been bad
because nobody is prefect life teach us and we learn from it each day new things which makes our life better , but now we are living in the present and life takes far from these years to become who we are
it's never too late
whoever who is still with us in that road they are lifting us up and high to live on their ways , to enjoy each moment which we still have , whatever these people are friends of any kind , family , or lovers , along the road your place remain in my heart if you are close or far , I love you all cause life doesn't worth all this pain .
From a heart of human to another
God bless you all

Thursday, September 9, 2010

my Camaro ss 2010 kitt scanner light

Here is my camaro ss 2010 after i installed knightlight scanner light color white and blue , the 1st car in kuwait to be installed in :)

Friday, August 27, 2010


My grandmother died today at 7 pm at age 83 , we are going to bury her tomorrow the funeral will take place on solybekat graveyard . God rest her soul

Sunday, July 25, 2010

to the person to the friends i still keep

why do some ppl want to make you problems from nothing ,,, again blaming someone else is your excuise ,, saying that i am following them and and you taking a video of me near her car in public road and showing it to my brother makes you think that i will stay away or not come back because your care and you want to keep me away from problems and harm ?? , i am free to stay at any place i will run in any road i want as long i dont hurt any body ,i told you i know my limits and i will keep sending songs to who ever i want as long they accept and they dont mind it on the net only , why do you make me problems , what if someone did the same to you or one of them and record you in video with them and send it to there familys and yours ?? imagin what will happen , but i am not that kind of man to do that and the last person on earth to do that , so please stop doing that i still respect you and i dont mind at all to come to the place i go to , i will never hurt any one i used to know and i used to love and care about even if they where a close friends only , i dont care if they you and them or one of them still hates me i dont and you should understand by now that i did mistakes and problems in past and i told that i am sorry , and i ment it and i am still mean it we both did mistake and problems in the past and i guess you feel now that i regret it both of us , i am not a bad person but i was forced to do these stuff in the past i know that you know , so please stop doing these things thats makes me hurt and upset , and know this again i would never ever hurt you or who ever with you again , i learned my lesson well , i know deep in your heart there is still a space full of our good memroies and me too , i hope we can work things out be just friends , i know it hard but think about it , we are grown up men i wish you a good life and be who ever that you want near me or away from me , its up to you .

Monday, July 12, 2010

yes i pre-order it :)

yes i ordered my 5th Gen Camaro Light. Remote controlled and using Red & White LED's today i hope to get it one month from today

5th Gen Camaro Light. Remote controlled and using Red & White LED's
Order code:- KS4264RW : Price:- £135
Currently building up stock and tending to back orders, any light ordered now wont ship till end of April atl least. However payment for the light will put you in the queue.

آل الصالح في الكويت ونجد حمد عبدالعزيز الصالح

الصالح أكثر من عائلة في الكويت تحمل هذا الاسم بعضهم حمله حديثا وبعضهم نقله وهو قادم من نجد منذ أمد بعيد، وحديثنا اليوم عن حمد عبدالعزيز الصالح الذي ولد في القرن التاسع عشر وتوفي في منتصف القرن العشرين، ذلك الرجل الذي يرتبط بصلة القرابة والنسب والمصاهرة مع عائلات كثيرة أهمها الدخيل يوسف البدر عبدالعزيز الرميح، هذا الرجل الذي خلف ولدين هما عبدالعزيز والدا واحدا هو حمد والثاني عبدالرحمن الذي أنجب سليمان هذا زميلنا الذي عمل في حقل التعليم والتربية ويعتبر من المتخصصين في مجال تأهيل المعوقين وهو مصنف تربوي كخبير باليونسكو وخبير في منظمة التأهيل الدولي.
يرجع أصل نصف العائلة في حائل في شمالي نجد وحائل عاصمة الشمال حيث تربى حمد بن عبدالعزيز الصالح لدى أخواله آل ضبعان واسرة آل صالح من بني زيد وتنتسب قبيلة بني زيد الى قبيلة عبيدة من مذحج من كهلان من سبأ من يشجب بن يعرب بن قحطان.
ينتشر أفراد هذه القبيلة في شقراء في نجد وهناك العديد منهم في الدوادمي وكثير من العائلات التي تنتمي الى بني زيد لكنهم يحملون ألقابا اخرى ومن هذه العائلات الهملان والمنيفي والقويز والشهيب وآل فياض وآل مهنا وأبومعطى والقنانا والناصر المجيول العيفان المقرن الصالح.
والصوالح في الكويت كما قلت أكثر من اسرة تنتمي الى عائلات متفرقة منهم الصالح من العمور من بني خالد والصالح من العمارات من قبيلة اعنزه والصالح من بني عمرو من قبيلة بني تميم.
اما الصالح في نجد فكثيرون ينتمون الى قبائل ومدن كثيرة منهم عتيبة وعنزه وشمر وبني خالد وتميم والدواسر آل مغيرة ومنهم أصحابنا آل الصالح شقراء بالوشم وهم من بني زيد.
ويعتبر السيد سليمان ابوعبدالرحمن ـ اخونا وصديقنا ـ هو ابرز الاسرة في الكويت وهو ابن عبدالرحمن بن حمد بن عبدالعزيز بن عبدالله بن محمد بن حمد بن محمد بن علي بن صالح بن فياض بن زيد.
نحن هنا نفتخر بالذي يحتفظ بشجرة عائلته وتسلسل الاسرة لأننا بهما نحافظ على الأنساب.
تنقل جد الاسرة حمد بن عبدالعزيز الصالح من حائل عند اخواله آل الضبعان الى بغداد حيث كان كثير من أهل نجد يذهبون هناك للتجارة ومن ثم ترك بغداد الى الزبير حيث موطن أهل نجد وقربها من البصرة والصحراء حيث نجد ليست بعيدة عنها ثم تحوله الى دبي في دولة الامارات اليوم وبعدها توجه الى البحرين ومن ثم الى الكويت في القرن التاسع عشر حيث الأقارب وأهل نجد حيث طاب له المقام ومنها تكونت هذه الاسرة اسرة آل الصالح ومن الكويت انطلق الى العمل بالهند وكان في اثناء تنقله كانت ابنتاه الصغيرتان تتنقلان معه من مكان الى آخر حتى كتب الله لهما بالزواج من حمدان الدخيل والثانية يوسف عبدالوهاب البدر.
وقد كانت قصة حمد الصالح كلها تنقل وسفر الى ان استقرت الاسرة في الكويت، قصة هذه الاسرة طويلة لكن احببنا ان نختصرها في هذه الخلاصة لنتحدث عن اسرة كريمة عاشت في الكويت والمملكة العربية السعودية واليوم بين ظهرانينا السيد الاخ سليمان وعنده من الابناء عبدالرحمن ويوسف وشقيقه حمد عنده مشعل يحفظهم الله وبارك في هذه الاسرة

Friday, July 9, 2010

Kitt lights to my camaro

i am going to order that light in the 1st days of aug to my car ,but too bad i was going to order it this month but company stoped from taken orders in order to cath up with orsers .
it will be the 1st car in kuwait
here is the web site

Monday, May 17, 2010

my new car camaro SS-RS 2010

i got my new car finally before one day , if you see this car on the street of kuwait , you will know that it is me cause it a custom order , all the paint job was made on the offical dealer workshop , this is the picture from out side , from inside its red and black :) . wish me good luck with this car .

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

still too busy :)

Still too busy with life , i've been to busy with the Gym and a diet , i lost 13 kilos within a month , i quit shesha since 23/3/2010 and still holding on , i bought a new sport car . i will get it i hope in the end of this week :) , i still have my 4x4 i wont sell it :) , my health is good , when i get my car i will post the picture :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Busy these days ...

hello all . hope you all are doing good :)

I've been so busy the last two weeks with the gym and a diet , i stay in the gym up to 4 hrs , i lost 8 kilos during the last 2 weeks , walking for 40 mints and 15 mints on the bike plus the gym workouts to burn fat about 3 hrs each day and i quit smoke shesha :) , i got one day off from the gym every week , and the good thing about all of that is my health is getting better and i stoped taken inslun injectins :) , i will not stop from sport from now on to get back my body in shape again .

wish me luck :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

watch this :)

click in the link below to see a short movie about me :)

Enjoy ;)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

joining the gym

hello Blogers ,i am going to join the gym in salmiya holday inn hotel gym for one year , it will cost 275 KD , the good thing about this gym is its mix ( men and womens ) i've gone today morning and i like it , they have a big facility , they have a nice offer you join for 12 months and they give three months for free plus 2 hrs massage for free plus towels and a bag for free plus the locker , i really want this time to lose wight , i've gained lots of wight in the last 3 years , i will join with a friend of mine , now i am free all the time after 1600 cause i've been Promoted at work to head section assistant and i only work in Official working hrs during the morning, now i am going with a friend to join , its also good to my health , wish me all best luck :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

moment of truth -- i know you are still reading my Blog

This poem was made by me all of it , the words and the music , i will keep it here so who ever is seening this would feel what i felt , i know that things could never be the same , and i know that you are seening my blog for a word of hate but it aint coming from me any more , now love surround me , and the past cant change , sorry for every hurt came from me , bye